Does Season of Birth Matterin Schizophrenia? Evidence from China
嘉宾:王存同 中央财经大学社会与心理学院教授
Controversies exist whetherseason of birth is associated with schizophrenia development later in life, andevidence has mainly come from studies done in developed countries. This study examines the association between season of birth and risk for schizophrenia in China, with special attention to geographical region, urbanity, and gender. Using data from China’s Second National Sampling Surveyon Disability, a large-scale, nationally representative sample (N=2,052,694), this study employs discrete-time hazard models to compare the risk for schizophrenia development for people born in different seasons, and conductssubsample analyses by geographical region, urbanity, and gender. People born inthe spring have the highest risk when compared to people born in the winter, summer or autumn. Furthermore, the relatively higher risk for people born in the spring is greater in the southern half of the country, in rural areas, and for women. The findings are consistent with results from a robustness checkdone among people who were conceived and born from 1955 to 1965, periods before, during, and after the 1959-1961 Chinese Famine. This study supports the presence of an association between season of birth and risk for schizophrenia development and of heterogeneity by geographical region, urbanity, and gender.
王存同,人口学博士、教授。博士毕业于北京大学(与University ofMichigan合作培养),博士后研究员就职于美国伊利诺伊大学(University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign)。现主要任职于中央财经大学,从事社会统计及计量经济分析、人口健康学、人口社会学、人口经济学等领域的研究与教学。
2013年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划,兼任美国人口学会(PAA) 会员、国际人口联盟(IUSSP) 会员、国际人口联盟社会科学定量方法培训专家组成员、北京大学社会科学方法培训特聘教授、中国性学会青少年性健康教育学会常务委员、美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校及芝加哥大学合作研究员。曾在SSCI/SCI等英文期刊及《中国社会科学》《社会学研究》《中国人口科学》等中文期刊发表论文近百篇,出版著作6部;主持国家社科基金项目2项、横向课题12项;以子课题负责人身份参与国家重大自然科学基金2项、国家部委横向课题10余项。