Sex differences in the effects of personal resources, family resources, and number of partners on fertility in the US
时间:2018年6月12日(周二) 16:00-17:30
嘉宾:霍普克罗夫特(Rosemary L. Hopcroft) 美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特校区社会学系教授
Evolutionary theory suggests that the relationship between social status and fertility will be positive, although empirical studies often show the opposite is true in developed, low fertility societies such as the U.S. However, evolutionary theory also suggests that the relationship between status and fertility will differ for men and women, so the relationship between status and fertility should be examined separately for men and women. This is something few empirical studies do. Studies that do examine the relationship separately often find that some measures of socioeconomic status, income in particular, are positively associated with fertility for men only. There are few studies of the relationship between wealth and fertility for men and women, and few studies that attempt to disentangle the effects of personal income, family income, personal wealth, and family wealth, on fertility.
This paper examines the association of personal and family income and wealth with fertility and number of child bearing unions for men and women using newly released data from the 2014 wave of the Survey of Income and Program Participation by the U.S. Census that contains the first national measures of complete male and female fertility as well as measures of multi-partner fertility. Results show that personal income (net of other family income and wealth) is positively associated with total fertility and number of child bearing unions for men and is negatively associated with total fertility and number of child bearing unions for women. Family income (net of personal income and wealth) is positively associated with total fertility for women only. For both men and women, net of personal and family income, personal and household net worth are negatively associated with total fertility.
霍普克罗夫特(Rosemary L. Hopcroft)教授系美国华盛顿大学(University of Washington)社会学博士,美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特校区社会学系教授。她的主要研究领域包括:进化社会学、性别研究、人口学、比较历史社会学。她的论文发表于《美国社会学评论》(ASR)、《美国社会学杂志》(AJS)、《社会学理论》(Sociological Theory)、《社会力量》(Social Forces)、《社会科学研究》(Social Science Research)、《进化与人类行为》(Evolution and Human Behavior)(美国人类行为和进化学会的机关刊物)等重要期刊。她的著作包括:《进化、生物学和社会牛津手册》(编)(Editor, Oxford Handbook of Evolution, Biology & Society. Oxford University Press)、《进化和性别》(Evolution and Gender: Why It Matters for Contemporary Life)、《社会学:生物社会导论》(Sociology: A Biosocial Introduction)、《欧洲历史上的地区、制度和农业变迁》(Regions, Institutions, and Agrarian Change in European History)。她是美国社会学会进化、生物学和社会分会的主要发起人之一,现任《进化社会学和生物社会学前沿》(Frontiers in Evolutionary Sociology and Biosociology)杂志主编。