——在 2007 年 7 月 21-22 日举行的中国社会学会 2007 长沙年会中日韩论坛上的开幕致辞
中国社会学会会长 郑杭生
第五届东亚社会学家会议今天, 2007 年 7 月 21 日,在湖南长沙召开,会期两天。东亚社会学家会议始于 2003 年。尽管起初没有明确的目标和框架,随着多边交流的加深,东亚社会学家会议逐渐地变成了一个网络化的轮值会议,其目的在于促进东北亚内部的学术交流,以应对全球化背景下的世界格局,各方试图建立一个比较稳定的合作研究网络,并通过这样的轮值会议分享和扩大学术对社会的贡献和影响力。到目前为止,大会已经召开 4 届,日本一桥( Hitotsubashi )大学、韩国首尔大学、中国社会科学院社会学研究所、人民大学、吉林大学、北京大学、云南社科院、同济大学等学术机构参与了此项交流活动。
首先来自于我们内部考虑。中国的历届政治运动使得中国的传统文化受到巨大冲击,出现了碎片化现象。尤其是 1978 年以来至今的中国现代化进程中,在经济“高增长”的同时,也伴随着人们道德观念,其中包括职业伦理等的破坏。传统、知识、文化出现了不同程度的脱节倾向。“社会的缺席”使得我们的发展出现两个极端,即不是国家便是市场,并将国家和市场对立起来。其结果导致要不就是权力集中,要不就是市场的利益最大化,社会发展很长时间内被忽视,由此导致了大量的社会问题。这也使人们日益认识到,中国的社会需要重建。那么重建什么样的社会?中国提出了既符合自己优良传统,又符合于国际新型现代性趋势,有利于增进社会三大部门良性互动的“和谐社会”。
在东亚,共同开展能够超越冷战结构、适合 21 世纪的未来前景的讨论,建构能够适合上述讨论的机制和方法论,是很有意义的。这有利于地区的和谐,也有利于世界的和谐。本次会议也就是在这样一个背景下开始的。我衷心希望我们大家按照我们的前辈社会学家费孝通先生的“美美与共”,相互学习、相互欣赏,分享成果。
Exploring New Paradigm in East Asia
----Probing a way to political, social and cultural harmony
Chairman of Chinese Sociology Association : Zheng Hangsheng
The 5th Session of East Asia Sociologists Conference will be held in Changsha, Hunan province, between July, 21st -22nd, 2007. Dating back to 2003, the Conference started without a defined purpose and frame at first. When the multilateral exchanges grow in depth, the Conference gradually developed into a networking rotating session. Its purpose is promoting internal communication of East and North Asia, dealing with the world pattern under globalization background, trying to build a stable cooperative research network, as well as sharing and extending the academic contribution and influence to the society. So far, it has been held for four times, and many universities and institutions were involved, including University of Hitotsubashi in Japan, Seoul University in Korea, the Sociology Institute of CASS, Renmin University, Jilin University, Peking University, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, and Tongji University in China.
At this time, the 5th session is hosted by the Sociology Institute of CASS, and joined by Shanghai University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University, and Fudan University. The main theme for this year\'s meeting is “Building a Harmonious Society in East Asia”. We chose the theme for the following considerations:
Our first consideration is out of our domestic situation. Many political movements happened to China since 1949, which caused the fragmentation of Chinese traditional culture. Especially during the modernization process since 1978, “High Performing Economies” is accompanied by the shattering of people’s morality, including professionalism. Tradition, knowledge, and culture incline to be out of joint in varying degrees. The “ absence of society” leads to an “either-state-or-market” view, which opposing the two against each other. It will cause either a concentration of power or the maximization of market interest. Social development had been ignored for a long time, which caused many social problems and made us consider about reconstructing Chinese society. So what society is needed for China? We suggest "a Harmonious Society”, which not only accords with our fine traditions but also benefits the trends of a new international modernity, and it promotes optimal interaction among the three branches of society as well.
Secondly, we must take neighborhood relationship into account. In East Asia, with the economic development at a high rate and the great accumulation of wealth, there appears a group of social problems such as ecological problems (e.g. air problem, water problem), the problems of population (e.g. social welfare, life style), the problems of social relation (e.g. moralities, humanities) and the problems of education (e.g. the institution of studying overseas), but there has not been an efficient system of cooperation to solve these problems together. After all it seems very difficult for any country to solve these problems alone, especially the interactive ecological problem, because the problems themselves are beyond the boundaries among countries. This is why we need mutual cooperation.
Thirdly, the understanding of development is also very important. Since the ending of Cold War, countries have been looking for the their own possibilities of facing the future, probing common consent and the ways to go beyond the categories of Left and Right in the process of globalization. Examples are the theory of risk society, the theory of the third way. Different from the World System theory, there has been growth in the diversity of development. The administration of Hu Jintao,China\'s president, came up with the policy of constructing a harmonious society and sent out the message of constructing a harmonious world to the other nations. We try to understand and explain economy in the institutional, social, cultural, and historical context in each country, and attempt to construct the most appropriate society for our own country.
Fourthly, countries in East Asia have close corporation in economy, market and finance, especially China, Korean and Japan. Discussions in many professional fields have already been done. But there is rare research on a comprehensive, multidisciplinary theoretical construction of our possible future and even not a single cooperative research yet. So it is very necessary to develop some mutual research around society, institution and culture in a comprehensive way.
It means a lot to East Asia to stimulate new discussions and methodologies that go beyond the structure of Cold War and face the 21st century. It benefits the harmony of this district and the whole world as well. With the background as above , I sincerely hope that we can learn from each other, appreciate each other and share on the basis of mutual understanding suggested by our preceding sociologist professor Fei Xiaotong.
May this session of China, Japan, Korean sociologists enjoy a complete success! Let’s work together to make a harmonious academic public platform for the young generation scholars!