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2023-12-15 作者: 上纽大应用社会经济研究中心

国际社会学协会(ISA)社会分层与流动研究委员会(RC28)诚邀从事社会分层与社会流动领域研究的学者们参与即将举行的年度春季会议。2024年春季会议的主题为“比较视角下的生命历程与社会不平等”。会议将于2024年5月17日至19日在上海举行,由上海纽约大学应用社会经济研究中心主办, 南京大学社会学院、复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院、上海大学社会学院以及华东师大社会发展学院协办。


·欲提交论文计划者,请访问会议官网 https://rc28.nyucaser.com。请注意,每位会议参与者仅能提交一篇论文,但可以是其他论文的合作者。











CALL FOR PAPERS - CLOSES December 15:23:59 (Beijing Time)

The Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) invites all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to its next annual Spring Meeting.

The 2024 Spring Meeting will be held under the theme of “Life Course and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective.”The conference will take place on May 17-19, 2024, hosted by the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research.

To submit your proposal, please visit the conference website at https://rc28.nyucaser.com. Note that conference participants may only present one paper, but can be co-authors on other paper submissions. Please prepare an extended abstract (2-4 pages, max 1000 words) including a clear description of the research question, the theoretical framework, the data and methods as well as the main findings. We welcome inclusion of key figures in the abstract. The abstract must be sufficiently detailed to allow the scientific committee to judge the merits of the paper. Please note that full paper submissions can complement but not replace extended abstract submissions. Please also include up to 5 keywords and choose the preferred format (oral/poster) and conference stream for your contribution during the submission process.

Abstracts must be submitted by the end of December 15, 2023 (Beijing Time). All submissions are subject to peer review by the scientific committee. Authors will be informed about the committee’s decision by mid-January 2024. Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference. If you select both formats, your submission will first be considered for oral presentation and, if not accepted, then for poster presentation.

You don’t need to be an RC28 member to submit your abstract but you will have to be an RC28 member to attend/present.