The 1st Summary School of Social Policy:
Comparison, Methodology, and Policy Assessment
联系人:李锁成,010-62511143; 刘凌,wgliuling60@ruc.edu.cn
时间 |
授课主题 |
授课人 |
授课语言 |
7.24 上午 |
Social Policy and Development |
李秉勤,新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心副教授,中国项目主任 |
英 文 |
7.24 下午 |
Evidence-based Policy |
IIan Katz,新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心教授,联合国儿基会常设顾问 |
英 文 |
7.25 上午 |
Evaluating health policies and health technologies |
Carla Treloar, 新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心主任、教授 |
英 文 |
7.25 下午 |
Evaluation and Analysis of Poverty |
YuvisthiNaidoo,新南威尔士大学社会政策研究中心副教授 |
英 文 |
7.26 上午 |
社会政策中的“社会照顾”范式 |
岳经纶,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院副院长,教授 |
中 文 |
7.26 下午 |
中国社会政策建设进展及评述 |
葛延风,国务院发展研究中心社会发展研究部部长,研究员 |
中 文 |
Prof. Carla Treloar is Director of the Centre for Social Research in Health and the Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW. Her expertise is in behavioural, social and policy analyses of public health. Her specific expertise is in research on the health of minority and disadvantaged populations. She manages a multi-disciplinary team with strong connections to policy, health services and community organisations. She has published more than 160 peer review publications. She is member of many advisory groups for research, government and non-government agencies and international research networks. She holds senior editorial roles with leading journals in the hepatitis and addiction sciences.
Topic: Evaluating health policies and health technologies
The effective implementation of health policies and the use of health technologies have the potential to shape the health of populations. However, health care is delivered in a complex system and the effective delivery of care can be influenced in many different ways. This presentation will provide a framework for understanding how to respond to a question in health policy and health technology. The presentation will also outline the ways in which this framework can be used via examples drawn from hospital and community health settings.
Prof. Ilan Katz is a professor in the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, having directed the Centre from 2005-2011. He was Head of Practice Development and Research at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). He spent some time as a civil servant in the UK Department of Education before returning full time to research. His research interests cover a wide range of social policy issues focusing on the delivery of complex social and health programs and policies. He has led a number of large-scale evaluations in child protection, health and welfare reform.
Topic: Evidence-based policy
It will examine how different methods and data sources can be used to provide comprehensive process, outcome and impact evaluations of programs and policies in the sector. The course will address some of the key conceptual and practical challenges of multi method evaluations of large-scale policy interventions. It will also discuss how such evaluations can be used for policy and program development.
Bingqin Li’s research is on social policy and governance. Her current projects include governance of age-friendly community, local government motivation in delivering complex social programs, social inclusion and integration, urban governance, and social spending. She has particular expertise on China and works also on other countries in Asia, and on comparative studies of policies between Asia and the West. Bingqin Li has played an important role in introducing international social policy research to China, through editing two series of translated series of key texts. Bingqin has also consulted international organisations, such as the World Bank, European Union, the WHO, UNESCAP, IIED, and the DFID. She has also collaborative research relationship with UNRISD, top Chinese universities and think-tanks such as DRC and CASS in China.
Topic: Social Policy and Development
This lecture first looks at the overall principles and goals of social policy. It then examines different development models and the corresponding approaches and responses to the issues associated with these development models. In this way, it maps out the relationship between elements in development agendas in which social policy is an integral part. The purpose of the session is to provide an overview of major strands of social policy theories, map out the relationship between different domains of development, and pin down the underlying logic behind various welfare regimes.
YuvisthiNaidoo is an early career researcher. Her thesis involved developing a set of metrics to measure the standard of living and well-being of individuals and applying the methodological framework to analysis of older Australians. She has experience working on Australian Research Council funded projects on poverty, deprivation and social exclusion in Australia, with the most research project involving cross-national comparison of deprivation amongst European countries. Before joining the SPRC, Yuvisthi worked for the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute on sustainable housing and support options for older homeless people and in research and marketing for the consumer goods
conglomerate Unilever. Her broad research interest is Australian and comparative social disadvantage analysis including the concept and measurement of poverty, deprivation, living standards and wellbeing.
Topic: Evaluation and Analysis of Poverty
This lecture will introduce the different ways that researchers measure and interpret poverty and deprivation, and inequality more generally. These concepts will be illustrated with recent SPRC conducted Australian research and include cross-national comparisons with OECD countries. The intention is to provide an overview of the broad concepts, the methodologies behind measures, the application of concepts using quantitative data and the ability of poverty research to impact social policy. It will showcase some of the most recent innovations in international poverty research.
岳经纶,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院副院长,教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中山大学中国公共管理研究中心副主任,博士生导师,广东省普通高校珠江学者特聘教授,国家社会科学基金重大课题首席专家,东亚社会政策研究网络(EASP)主席(2014-2016)。《中国公共政策评论》(CSSCI来源集刊)创刊主编,Journal of Social Policy 国际顾问。主要研究领域和学术专长:社会政策与社会保障、公共管理与社会服务、劳动政策与劳动关系、医疗保险与卫生政策。近著包括:《社会政策与“社会中国”》(2014), China's Social Policy: Transformation and Challenges (2016),《公平与效率:广州新医改的实证研究》(2016)。
中心主任由澳洲社会科学院院士、Scientia特聘教授、未来学者奖金获得者Lyn Craig担任。Ilan Katz教授率领的团队2015年获得澳洲评估学会大奖、受到总理和内阁办公室的表彰。Karen Fisher教授的团队、尚晓援副教授领导的中国儿童政策研究都曾经获得多种学术社会影响力奖项。中心是澳洲科学研究基金按照学术成果评定的唯一常年获得五星级(5*)评鉴的社会政策研究机构。