Party Congress stresses fair distribution of wealth but dogmatism remains a problem
One of the most notable results of the 17th Communist Party Congress was a new stress on the fair distribution of wealth to cope with the enormous gulf between rich and poor in China, but dogmatism remains a serious problem in tackling social inequalities, said Professor Zheng Yongnian, Head of Research at the China Policy Institute of the University of Nottingham, in his weekly column in the Singapore newspaper Lianhe Zaobao. The Party had ditched Deng Xiaoping\'s dictum that "We should let some people and some regions get rich first and take a shared road to prosperity" which prioritised distribution and made fairness a secondary consideration, Zheng said. He said Deng\'s policies had certainly worked in so far as they made some people and places richer, "but fairness has disappeared," he added.
"The shared road to prosperity is hoped for but cannot be seen. In recent years, increasingly great income disparities have resulted in serious social divisions and are an important factor in social instability," he wrote.
Zheng said the government had tried hard to reduce these disparities and had implemented a wide range of policies aimed at those on low incomes and the weakest members of society, "but there is a big gap between the results of all these policies and people\'s expectations."
The leadership was now aware of these problems which were exacerbated by globalisation, and there is now a need for "the government to interfere in the market, to intervene in income distribution and reach a balance between the market and the government," he added.
"The dramatic widening in the gap between rich and poor is not only because the income of [some] social groups has increased too slowly, but more significantly the income of some social entities has increased too fast," Zheng said.
He said this was particularly the case with stateowned enterprises, which had in many cases become monopolies.
"Capital in monopoly enterprises should belong to the people, but these enterprises often decide salary levels internally," he said.
"Apart from salaries, incomes in a large proportion of monopoly enterprises still fall into the category of \'grey income\'. High salary levels combined with grey income cause incomes in monopoly enterprises to be far higher than incomes in nonmonopoly enterprises," Zheng wrote.
Grey income is the practice of paying additional subsidies and allowances to managers and employees, often in ways that avoid or evade tax.
Even more seriously, if they make a loss they go to the state for help, and so they rely on taxpayers to bale them out, making them a social burden which further exacerbates income disparities and social injustice.
While monopolies at a central level could be defended due to their strategic importance, provincial and local monopolies were even more harmful, Zheng argued, as they threatened the development of smaller companies. He said small and medium sizedcompanies play a leading role in countries with a relatively small gap between rich and poor.
"The leadership is now aware of the importance of fairness in the process of primary distribution. But how to turn this awareness into policy is an enormous challenge," he added.
Zheng said that some western countries had emphasised social justice at the expense of economic efficiency, which had resulted in widespread laziness and "welfare state sickness." It was essential that the government invested heavily in basic infrastructure that benefited sustainable economic development, including education and human resources, and that small and mediumsized companies received appropriate financial incentives.
He said a lack of research had resulted in inappropriate policies and poor implementation, and this had this had affected the Party\'s efficacy, while dogmatism had further exacerbated problems.
"The first way it has done this is the dogmatism of socialism, believing that a planned economy can solve all problems. But in the last 20 years capitalism has also become a dogma, with a belief that the market economy can solve all problems.
"Deng Xiaoping stressed that poverty is not socialism and capitalism can increase social prosperity. This is quite right. But in the process of devising and implementing policy most people take this to mean stressing capitalism and demoting socialism...
"This view is a classic textbook understanding of the matter. Among Chinese theoreticians and policymakers, many people are used to understanding reality through textbooks, but they do not revise textbooks in the light of reality," Zheng declared. * This is an English summary of Professor Zheng Yongnian\'s column of 13 November, 2007, by Michael Rank for CPI.