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“物业进村”:“城中村”物业服务的模式与实现路径——基于上海市M 村的田野调查

2024-08-16 作者: 罗新忠



【内容提要】受制于城乡二元结构的内在张力,我国“城中村”虽然被赋予了城市社区的特征,但其内部治理条件仍落后于一般类型的城市社区。其中,“城中村”公共服务供给不足的问题尤为突出。本文以上海市M 村为研究个案,从社区治理的视角出发,构建城中村“物业进村”模式分析框架,从自然禀赋、治理方式、目标价值方面分析M 村引入现代物业服务模式的实现路径,并对其存在的问题提出建议。城中村特殊的自然禀赋影响了其治理方式的选取,并以此来助推目标价值的实现。进一步推进“城中村”物业服务工作,要把握社区自然禀赋、加强价值引领、创新服务模式、联动多元主体,这为破解“城中村”物业服务供给不足的民生难题提供了可行路径。



"Property Management into the Village": The Model and Implementation Pathways of Property Services in Urban Villages: A Field Study Based on Village M in Shanghai

Luo Xinzhong

Abstract: Subject to the internal tensions of the urban-rural dichotomy, China's "urban villages" have been endowed with characteristics of urban communities, yet their internal governance conditions lag behind those of typical urban communities. Among these issues, the insufficient provision of public services in "urban villages" has become increasingly prominent. To address this challenge, this study uses Village M in Shanghai as a case study and adopts the NGT model to construct an analytical framework for the "Property Management into the Village" model in urban villages. It analyzes the paths to introducing modern property management services in Village M from the perspectives of natural endowments, governance methods, and target values, and offers suggestions for the identified problems. The research concludes that the distinctive natural endowments of urban villages influence their selection of governance methods and help achieve their target values. To further advance the property management services in "urban villages", it is important to recognize the community's natural endowments, strengthen value guidance, and coordinate various stakeholders. This provides a feasible path for resolving the livelihood challenges posed by the insufficient supply of property services in "urban villages".

Keywords: urban village; property management into the village; public service; community governance; NGT framework