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2024-03-15 作者: 李宏基




【关键词】亨利·梅因 / 法律演化 / 社会演化 / 古代法 / 契约社会


The Evolutionary Picture of Contract Society:The Social Theory behind Maine’s Ancient Law

LI Hong-ji

Abstract:As a classical social theorist, Maine was imbued with the intellectual temperament of nineteenth-century social evolutionary theory. The way to explore the nature of modern society is not from itself, but from the ancient evolutionary process of law and society, which is the starting point of Maine’s evolutionary thought. Meanwhile, law became an important tool for Maine to observe social change, which is different from the social evolutionary theory of that time. In this way, Maine describes the types, characteristics and evolutionary dynamics of societies. Under the evolutionary trend“from Status to Contract”, progressive societies eventually gave rise to modern contract societies, but in his later years, Maine realized that modern society was facing a real crisis. More importantly, Maine’s evolutionary theory reveals his profound reflection on ancientand modern societies and eastern and western civilizations. Maine’s social theory is of great significance for deepening the understanding of Western classical social thought and for developing Chinese legal and social theory..

Keywords:Henry Maine, legal evolution, social evolution, ancient law, contractsociety