微信版 移动版



2024-06-04 作者: 张昱,姜春艳




【关 键 词】流动未成年人;轻微盗窃;相机权衡;生存需求;情境行动理论



Situational Weighing: A Study on Strategies and Patterns of Migrant Juveniles’Petty Theft


Abstract:Theft is the main type of juvenile delinquency. Based on the interviews in A City, this research takes migrant juveniles’petty theft as the object to discuss the generating situation and the generative mechanism of this criminal behavior. In the context of Chinese social transformation, the intense social mobility has led to the inadequacy or absence of family care and social care for some juveniles, which put the juveniles in a predicament of“lame independence”. Under the dual constraints of threatened survival needs satisfaction and the“lame independence” situation, some migrant juveniles go astray in petty theft to achieve so-called “balanced independence”. In the specific implementation process of theft, migrant juveniles weigh their needs, value systems satisfaction and cognition. During that, the temporary drift of needs’tendency, situational moral breakthroughs, and situational control based on behavior rationality that occur sequentially in critical stages have jointly caused the occurrence of petty theft, presenting the features of situational weighing. This research focuses on the interaction between the behavior and the situation when theft occurs to supplement the accumulation of research on juvenile delinquency in China..

Keywords:migrant juveniles, petty theft, situational weighing, survival needs,situational action theory