微信版 移动版



2025-01-16 作者: 邓玥馨




【关键词】 社会时间;主体性;时间体验;等待;希望


Waiting: A Sociological Expression of General Temporal Experiences

Abstract: Drawing on the traditional research approach of sociology of time that focuses on temporal experience, this article explores the dilemma of lacking subjectivity in the theory of social time by focusing on waiting. Tracing back the theoretical foundations of waiting as temporal experience, this article explores the dual attributes of waiting, i. e., the sociality of other-reference and the subjectivity of self-reference, thereby revealing the social significance of the hope in waiting in bridging time, self, and the others. By justifying the negative subject within the framework of social time, this article establishes an analytical approach that balances the sociality and subjectivity of social time.