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2024-02-18 作者: 周晓虹



【内容提要】在中国社会百余年的现代化探索过程中,1978年开启的改革开放为中国式现代化确立了基本方向,并以举世瞩目的成就奠定了其实践基础。鉴于社会学从本质上说是一门因现代性而生的学科,中国社会学的重建与改革开放的同向共进,使其自然成为一场以实现中国式现代化为目标的学术实践。在费孝通等老一辈社会学家的引导下,知青一代社会学人在这场绵延40 余年的学科重建过程中,一方面积极投身于改革开放与社会主义现代化大业,另一方面自身也经历了从传统向现代的个人转型。在这样迅猛变迁的背景下,中国社会学的话语实践毫无例外地成为一种转型叙事,中国社会转型的迅疾性和转型社会的特殊性为萃取中国社会学的本土知识提供了可能。



Chinese Sociology Reconstruction: Modernization and Transformational Narrative —A Clue from the Life Course of 40 Sociologists

ZHOU Xiao-hong

Abstract:The reform and opening up launched in 1978 has established the basic direction for Chinese path to modernization and laid its practical foundation with remarkable achievements in the more than a hundred years of exploring the modernization of Chinese society. Sociology is a discipline born of modernity; the reconstruction of Chinese sociology, which is simultaneously developed with reform and opening up, has naturally become an academic practice aimed at achieving Chinese modernization. Under the guidance of the previous generation of sociologists, such as Fei Xiaotong, the sociologists of the educated youth generation have actively engaged in the reform and opening up and socialist modernization, and they have also undergone a personal transformation from tradition to modern in the process of discipline reconstruction that has lasted for more than forty years. In the context of such rapid changes, the discourse practice of Chinese sociology has become a transformational narrative. The swiftness of China’s social transformation and the particularity of the transitional society provide the possibility to extract local knowledge of Chinese sociology.

Keywords:Chinese path to modernization, modernity and sociology, educated youth sociologist, social transformation and transforming society, local knowledge extraction