微信版 移动版



2023-11-13 作者: 陆益龙,山永久





【基金项目】中国人民大学科学研究基金项目(研究生)“自然保护区建设与中国生态保护的经验--基于三江源自然保护区的社会学研究” (22XNH153);教育部哲学社会科学研究专项(党的二十大精神研究)。


From Social Choice to Independent Choice: The Evolutionary Logic of Strategic Action by Non-governmental Environmental Organizations

Lu Yilong,Shan Yongjiu

Abstract: Green River is a non-governmental environmental protection organization that was established relatively early. Through the examination and analysis of its organizational goals, fundraising, media publicity, and relationship with the government, it is found that the strategic actions chosen and taken by civil environmental protection organizations contain an evolutionary logic, that is, a shift from social choice to autonomous choice. At the stage of organizational development, the strategic actions of civil environmental organizations mainly follow the logic of social choice, while at the stage of improving the organization's sustainable development capacity, the strategic actions focus on the logic of autonomous choice.

Keywords: social choice; autonomous choice; non-governmental environmental protection organization; strategic action