微信版 移动版



2024-01-15 作者: 沈洪成




【关 键 词】新城区建设;教育资源配置;课程知识体制;层级化



What Makes Schools Stratified? A Case Study of School Deployment in an Urban District

Abstract:Based on the case of school deployment during the construction of new urban districts, this study explores the mechanism of school stratification. “High-level equalization” is a major goal for metropolitan educational development. However, the problem that educational resources among the working, wage and middle class groups are divided remained the same. In terms of educational resource allocation, the stratification of residential spatial pattern brings about the hierarchy of sources of students among schools, which collaborates with the school choice of families, further leads to the homogenization of students. In terms of curriculum knowledge systems, basic education in China is constructed around academic performance, which leads to the unification of curriculum and evaluation, while the pedagogy remains differentiated. The mutual reinforcement between resource allocation and knowledge system leads to the stratification of schools.