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2024-05-13 作者: 胡翔凤,刘启明

【作者简介】胡翔凤,中国农业大学人文与发展学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为农村社会 保障、社会治理;刘启明,中国农业大学人文与发展学院副教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向 为农村社会保障、农村公共管理与公共政策。





The Development Process of Resilience in Rural Families with Seriously Ill Members: A Spatial Perspective and Field Investigation Based on a Gathering Place of Families Seeking Medical Treatment in Relocated Places

Hu Xiangfeng Liu Qiming

Abstract: The resilience development of mobile families involves different spaces, subjects and resources. Based on a field survey of a settlement for families seeking medical treatment in relocated places, this study aims to explore theprocess of resilience development among rural families with seriously ill patients from a spatial perspective. The spatial production of the dynamic layer focuses on the positive action of the family in the early stage of the impact of serious illness risk. The family relieves the family’s psychological pressure, social barriers and economic pressure in the production of spiritual space, social space and material space. The spatial embedment of the empowerment layer is the exertion of the role of the multi-guarantee subjects under the long-term risk of serious illness, exploring the development of family resilience from the local adaptation of the spatial embedding of system, organization and relationship. The spatial remodeling of the creative layer is the response of the family as the “bottom pocket” to the limited empowerment of multiple security subjects. The family promotes group unity in reshaping the security space of the relationship network, enhances social interaction in reshaping the security space of social organizations, and promotes policy cognition in reshaping the space of serious illness risk management.From the three dimensions of the spatial perspective, we can see that the interaction characteristics among multiple security subjects are obvious. The interaction modes, forms, and strategies of multiple security subjects have a significant impact on the development of family resilience.

Keywords: risk attack; family resilience; space production; space embedded; space remodeling.