Legitimization of formal taste: How confucian intellectual elites construct the social hierarchy of aesthetics
ZHU Ting-yu
Abstract:The cultural relics and literature on artwork appreciation provide an opportunity for sociology to focus on the mutual construction of cognitive mode, knowledge orientation and social structure in a certain historical period.Through material analysis and literature research, this paper pays attention to the development history of realistic painted sculpture, jun porcelain and freehand brushwork painting, and specifically explores the correlation among the availability of material, the characteristics of Confucian intellectual elites, the rise and fall of art forms and the hierarchy of“scholars, peasants, workers and merchants”. This article finds that Confucian intellectual elites tend to follow formal tastes and engage in artistic creation and aesthetic appreciations with reference to the theoretical knowledge system. On this basis, only developing artistic forms that need light physical strength for production and provide interpretable possibilities can help enhance the reputation of the Chinese gentry. The orthodox formal taste constructs the aesthetic consensus making the unity of artistic criterion and social structure possible.
Keywords:formal taste, material analysis, aesthetic consensus, sociology of art