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2024-02-18 作者: 刘秀秀,宋辰婷






Relational Perspective of Technological Development: The Innovation Process of Printing as an Example

LIU Xiu-xiu,SONG Chen-ting

Abstract:Technology has become an increasingly important factor affecting the development of the economy and society. However, as the prerequisite, the statement of“technological progress”is inconsistent with the actual development process of technology. Such inconsistency is related to the limitations of current research on the sociology of technology, which is characterized by“excessive refinement but insufficient reflection”. This paper is inspired by the early theoretical resources of the sociology of technology, the framework of sciencetechnology-society. It proposes a relational perspective and takes the innovation process of printing since the Tang Dynasty as an example, to study the dynamic relationship between technology and society. It is found that the development of printing in history is the result of the interaction between the collision mechanism and the consultation mechanism, which originated in the technological relationship. The promotion of the innovative technological form-movable type printing depends on the relationship structure of different regions, and the spread of printing shows the complex relational flow process. Compared with the current research, this paper attempts to make two advances. Firstly, it bridges the gap between the inside and outside of technology and gives a more comprehensive perspective. Secondly, it explores endogenous research methods based on local scientific and technological views. At the same time, the relational perspective is also enlightening for the current technological development. It is conducive to promoting substantive exchanges and cooperation among technology creators,rule makers, users, promoters, and academic researchers, advocating technology for goodness and improving human well-being.

Keywords: technological development, relational perspective, technological progress, collision mechanism, consultation mechanism