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公私转化中的“絜矩之道” ——以《三国演义》“关云长义释曹操”为例的社会学分析

2024-02-18 作者: 王建民,原源






“The Model in Practicing the Principle of Reciprocity”in Public-Private Conversion: A Sociological Analysis of“Guan Yu Lifts His Saber to Release Cao Cao”in the Novel Romance of The Three Kingdoms

WANG Jian-min,YUAN Yuan

Abstract:Traditional Chinese Confucianism contains rich resources for sociology studies, among which the concept of benevolence and righteousness is the key to understand the logic of Chinese social actions. The classic stories and characters in Chinese classical novels often have the implication of mores, from which we can get a glimpse of the value and action orientation of the Chinese.Based on the classic story of“Guan Yu lifts his saber to release Cao Cao”in Romance of The Three Kingdoms, this article uses the method of process-eventgantong analysis to discuss why Guan Yu, who was taking a military command to arrest Cao Cao, finally let him pass by“allowing private feelings to outweigh public duty”, which is taken as righteousness. The secret of making this“public- private conversion”is“the model in practicing the principle of reciprocity”(xiejuzhidao). The discussion on“the theory of reciprocity (xieju)”helps us understand the public-private concepts and the characteristics of action ethics in traditional Chinese society.

Keywords:public- private conversion, 'ren' and 'yi' (benevolence and righteousness), the model in practicing the principle of reciprocity(xiejuzhidao),process-event-gantong(sensing) analysis