【基金项目】本文系国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色宗教社会学话语体系及其本土知识结构研究”(18ZDA230) 的阶段性成果
The Sacred and the Agency Mode of the Sacred: The Key Concepts and Basic Propositions of Chinese Sociology of Religion
Abstract:As a basic proposition of the sociology of religion, "the sacred" is a basic element in the original form of human civilization, and one of the sources of Chinese civilization s beliefs. Based on the comparison and discussion of the concept of "the sacred" in the Chinese and Western contexts, this paper proposes "the sacred” and "the agency mode of the sacred" as the middle level theoretical concepts and basic propositions for the Chinese sociology of religion, in order to reinterpret the definition of "religion". Also, through the analysis of "sanctification in the body", "imitation of sanctity mechanism shared by the family and the nation", and the types of the sacred, this paper goes beyond the dilemma of the discourse of "religion" as defined by the Western sociology of religion. The theoretical model of "the agency mode of the sacred" constructed in this paper can explore the path of Sinicization of the sociology of religion in the context of the mutual understanding of civilizations and promote the construction of its autonomous knowledge system.