微信版 移动版



2023-07-20 作者: 胡安宁




【关 键 词】文化/实质认同/图式结构/传统生育促进文化/子女性别偏好

Substantive Approval and Schematic Association: The Sociological Analysis of the Working Mechanism of Culture

Hu Anning

Abstract: Although culture has been frequently cited by social scientists to account for social phenomenon,there is still room for specification of the mechanisms through which culture works. This article draws onthe culture triangle model and the dual process theory, to make a nuanced distinction between themechanism of substantive approval and the mechanism of schematic association. To illustrate thistheoretical framework, we examine how the traditional fertility-promoting culture in China affects one’spropensity of son preference through these two mechanisms, and how one’ s educational attainmentmoderates the strength of these two mechanisms. This framework of the culture mechanism helps tounderstand the social effect of traditional culture, responds to social concerns in an era of low fertility rate,and promotes the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese traditional culture.

Key words: culture/substantive approval; schematic association; traditional fertility-promoting culture; preference about children's sex