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2024-05-12 作者: 苏熠慧,施瑶







Manufacturing 'Aspiration': Agents' Subjectivity and Labor Control on Their Work- Taking JH Care Service Agency in Shanghai as an Example

Abstract:Based on a case study of JH care service agency in Shanghai, this article uses the framework of 'institutional transformation of aspiration” to demonstrate the process of labor control on care service agents,in which the agency transforms agents' realist aspiration of earning money to support family as small-town women into the idealist aspiration of earning millions of RMB a year as white-collar domestic workers leading middle-class life in the big city through the commission system,the experience system,and the recognition system. In this process,agents endure the current hard labor conditions,work actively, and develop a set of cultural explanations to rationalize the gap between reality and the ideal,thus achieving self-exploitation.