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2023-10-19 作者: 沈奕斐,商建刚







How to Value Fairness? The Logic of Equitable Property Division in Divorce in Urban China

Abstract:The logic of equitable property division in divorce has important implications for the behavior of couples both during marriage and after divorce, and the logic of equity in the legal system and in folk practice is both interdependent and different. More studies have focused on the concept of fairness in legal changes, but few has explored this issue from the folk dimension, that is, people's common-sense perceptions. Through focus groups, interviews, and quantitative surveys, this paper describes and analyzes people's ideal logic of fairness in divorce property distribution and summarizes four logics of fairness through a latent category approach: the principle of property attributes based on different points in time, the principle of averaging, the gender principle of accommodating women, and the principle of individual liberal-style entitlement. The paper also contrasts the folk view of family justice with the legal view of equitable rights, thus presenting a more comprehensive interpretation of this issue.