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2023-07-20 作者: 吕鹏




【关 键 词】共同富裕/中国式现代化/社会革命/自我革命

Common Prosperity for All and Mission of Sociology

Lv Peng

Abstract:The 20th CPC National Congress report put common prosperityas one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization. Based on the threelevels of realizing common prosperity — making the cake bigger, better dividingthe cake, and sharing the cake, this paper combs the research achievements of sociology in narrowing the urban-rural gap, class gap, and industry gap in the pastdecade. It particularly focuses on the new issues and challenges of sociology inbuilding the industrial chain of common prosperity at the county level in terms ofwealth creation, standardizing the income distribution order and wealth accumulation mechanism of all classes in the primary and secondary distributions, andstandardizing and guiding the healthy development of capital in the third distribution. To this end, sociology must carry out a“self-revolution”of disciplines, academics and discourse systems and contribute Chinese wisdom to active participation in the great“social revolution”. The 20th CPC National Congress report putcommon prosperity as one of the essential requirements of Chinese modernization. Based on the three levels of realizing common prosperity: making the cakebigger, better dividing the cake, and sharing the cake, this paper combs the research achievements of sociology in narrowing the urban- rural gap, class gap,and industry gap in the past decade. It particularly focuses on the new issuesand challenges of sociology in building the industrial chain of common prosperity at the county level in terms of wealth creation, standardizing the income distribution order and wealth accumulation mechanism of all classes in the primaryand secondary distributions, and standardizing and guiding the healthy development of capital in the third distribution. To this end, sociology must carry out a“self-revolution”of disciplines, academics and discourse systems and contributeChinese wisdom to active participation in the great“social revolution”.

Key words: common prosperity; Chinese modernization; social revolution; self-revolution