微信版 移动版



2023-09-05 作者: 吴忠民




关 键 词】现代化/现代生产力/以人为本/市场竞争逻辑/社会保护逻辑/共生性发展

A Study on the New Trend of Modernization

Wu Zhongmin

Abstract:Modernization is in a process of continuous developments and changes. Although the basic attributesof modern society have remained fundamentally unchanged since the end of the Second World War from a worldwideperspective, some obvious new trends have shown up with epochal changes and many new important advances havebeen made in view of the specific content of modernization, which has moved from the primary stage to the intermediatestage. From the dimension of the material basis on which modern society depends for its survival and development,modern productivity has made significant advancements. From the dimension of the fundamental goal of modernization,the people-oriented basic value orientation has gradually been realized and specified, and gradually penetrated intopeople's daily life. From the dimension of the gaining of the interests by social members, market competition logic andsocial protection logic have become two indispensable behavior logics for the operation and development of a modernsociety. And from the dimension of its various constituent elements and the relevance of its subsystems, the trend ofthe symbiotic survival and development of modernization has become increasingly prominent.

Key words:modernization; modern productivity; people-oriented; market competition logic; social protection logic;symbiotic development