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2023-09-10 作者: 王美华



【内容提要】家庭结构沿着现代化发展的轨迹出现了变迁,更加趋向小型化与核心化。核心家庭在面对儿童照顾资源不 足的情况时,选择回归主干家庭的形式,组建合作育儿型临时主干家庭。其形成的社会基础是现代化与市场化中的竞争 压力、传统家庭文化责任伦理的延续与变迁以及儿童照顾制度的不完善。在个体化社会中,传统规范的解构与重构推动 个体注重自身的利益,代际之间通过协商不同主体的利益,整合资源与调整结构以满足家庭需求,由此推动了这一家庭 形式的形成,其逻辑是家庭发展目标与亲密情感关系的双重需要。


【基金项目】江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究专题项目“高校心理健康教育中生命意义的思考和建构” (2022SJSZ0112)


Intergenerational Coparenting's Dynamic Mechanism of Temporary Stem Family from the Perspective of Family Strategy

Wang Mei-hua

Abstract: The family structure has changed, tending to become smaller and nuclear, while the nuclear familyfaced the demands of child care, the nuclear family returns to form a cooperative parenting temporary stem family.Its social basis is the competitive pressure in modernization and marketization, the continuation and change of family responsibility, and the imperfection of the childcare system.The formation process is that in an individualized society, the deconstruction and reconstruction of traditional norms promote individuals to focus on their own interests, and intergenerational negotiation of the interests of different subjects meets family needs.The logic of formation is the duality of family development and intimate emotional relationships.

Keywords: Intergenerational Coparenting;Family Strategy;Family Ethics;Division of Labor