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2024-02-18 作者: 文超






In Search of the Truth:On the Big-Small Mode and Deep-Shallow Mode of Sociology of Arts

LU Wen-chao

Abstract:In the study of the sociology of arts, the question of truth is a key issue. Sociologists of arts believe that art is a social phenomenon, and they strive to find its truth. Sociologists, represented by Howard S. Becker, believe that art is a collective activity. The more social roles sociologists pay attention to in the activity, the closer it will be to reality. They believe that the big is true, and the small is relatively untrue, which is Big- Small Mode. While other sociologists, represented by Pierre Bourdieu, believe that art is a social activity, what sociologists see is only the appearances determined by the deeper structure. In their view, the deep is true, and the shallow is relatively unreal, which is Deep-Shal?low Mode. There is a fierce debate between the two modes. In Bourdieu’s view,Becker only focuses on superficial interactions, ignoring the deep structures that determine them; in Becker’s view, the deep structures that Bourdieu focuses on have no empirical basis, and what we see in our eyes is the only truth that we can grasp. They each have their own deep sociological traditions, we should actively promote the dialogue and integration of the two so that the art world(field)has both breadth and depth.

Keywords:sociology of arts, truth, Big-Small Mode, Deep-Shallow Mode