微信版 移动版



2023-10-19 作者: 余成普, 宗铮






Professional Socialization in Transition: Margins and Conflicts in the Professional Interactions of Residency Training

Abstract: Based on a field study of an internal medicine ward, this paper discusses the marginalized status of residents during the transitional period before they become qualified physicians and their professional socialization process. Once the nature of residency training is transitional, the margin is the stage that residents are bound to go through; the marginal, ambiguous identity of residents is the undertone of their professional interactions and the source of conflict in the interactions; the margin only implies the awkwardness of their situation and the difficulty of categorization, not the solidification of their status; the margin has a generative meaning and foreshadows the imminent transformation of professional status. The forging process of every qualified physician is both institutional and structural reproduction, and implies constant sharpening and transformation.