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奥运金牌的社会生命 ——关于金牌与行动者的交互性社会解释

2024-02-18 作者: 王智慧






The Social Life of the Olympic Gold Medal: An Interactive Social Interpretation of Gold Medal and Actors

WANG Zhi-hui

Abstract:Aiming at the materiality and symbolism of Olympic gold medals,we tried to find an interactive and integrated explanation mechanism within the “sociology of the social”and“sociology of associations”, the logic of how gold medals embed in social culture, and the social facts constructed by gold medals and other actors. After the gold medals are activated, they enter the reconstruction of the context of social life: they would be transformed into a kind of social productivity, which promotes the social order transition of Olympic champions and other actors, stimulates the behavior of competitive sports practitioners, and divides while connecting the group. In the social embedding of gemeinschaft,the gold medals reveal the variation trend and value attribute of human interaction under the background of modernity, as well as the micro-ecology of social interaction and power operation. Later, gold medals enter the exhibition state,which not only promotes the recontextualization of social memory and continues the“vitality of things”but also indicates the generation of new cultural space and shapes a social network and cultural inheritance mechanism.

Keywords:the social life of things, actor-network theory, context, OlympicMovement, sports culture