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2024-05-13 作者: 郭伟和,贾聪







Exploring the Micro Mechanisms of Modern Transformation in Herdsmen’s Livelihoods: A Sociological Life Course Study

Guo Weihe,Jia Cong

Abstract: Life course research has become the mainstream method of social science research. Most life course studies focus on the dialectical relationship between structural opportunity and individual initiative. It automatically assumes that individuals are active subjects and can take the initiative to seize the structural opportunities in the historical process. However, agency is notinherently predestined, but a subjective feature transformed through critical reflection on the physical habits shaped by a specific life field. Through the retrospect of the life course of a young herdsman, this paper explains how the swinging “grassland complex” produced by the transformation of the traditional nomadic livelihood to the modern animal husbandry livelihood is transformed into a reflective performance through the reflection of the life course, and then by combining traditional nomadic culture and the modern development way, to go beyond the traditional and the modern dilemma of binary opposition. On the one hand, this paper expands the paradigm and vision of the study of life courses in China and brings the remodeling process of the micro-subject habit to the academic field. On the other hand, through the reflection and reconstruction of the herdsmen’s grassland complex, it shows the micro-mechanism of the modern transformation of nomadic livelihood.

Keywords: life course; grassland complex; reflection subjectivity; new development mode