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2024-07-15 作者: 杜永潇,董浩




【关 键 词】计划生育;政策评估;社会经济差异;异质性响应模式


Family Planning Policy Transition and Family's Fertility Behavior Response: An Analysis from the Social Stratification Perspective

Abstract:This study focuses on the interventional effects of family planning policy transition and, more importantly, identifies the systematic patterns of heterogeneous policy responses as shaped by family socioeconomic differentials. It takes advantage of the unique research opportunity set by the “Two-child Policy for One-Only-Child Couples”. Using casual identification strategies incorporating non-parametric matching and regression adjustment, we analyzed the 2015 National One-Percent Population Survey microdata sample and find that, policy-targeted couples had a significantly higher probability of having a second child than non-targeted couples. Meanwhile, the couples' second- child fertility behaviors in response to the family planning poliey transition were systematicallystratified by family socioeconomic status, highlighting the important roles of concerns over high costs in childbearing, rearing, and education in shaping fertility decisions in today's China.