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2024-10-29 作者: 王燕彬

【作者简介】王燕彬 北京大学社会学系



【关 键 词】马林诺夫斯基, 文化科学, 函数功能论, 文化契约论


Mathematical Function and Cultural Contract: Malinowski’s Science of Culture

Abstract: Malinowski's participatory observation establishes the basic field method of modern anthropology. But his methodology is not an isolated investigative technique, but a systematic theory of Science of Culture rooted in the context of social theory. Malinowski's works are conscious dialogues with traditions such as social contract theory and the Durkheim school and reveal the resources he draws from the debate between individualism and collectivism. On the one hand, he is influenced by the Durkheim school, but he does not agree with its social substance theory and denies the existence of a collective consciousness beyond the individual. He advocates the functional theory of mathematical function based on Mach's empirical criticism. This theory opposes the metaphysical assumptions in classical anthropology as well as previous sociological theories, and advocates the universal correlation and interdependence of cultural elements. On this basis, Malinowski develops the social contract theory by using the “cultural contract” to construct the history of human beings from a “pre-cultural” state to a cultural state, and presents the layered construction process of cultural and social organizations based on individual needs. Thus, culture is revealed as an organic whole. On the other hand, he overcomes the tendency of contract theory to substantiate individuals and points out that in reality, there is no real “natural person”. Individuals are completely shaped by culture in functional relationships. Therefore, Malinowski emphasizes a mixture of individualism and collectivism, with society and individuals being closely and interdependently related to each other. The theory of cultural science forms the theoretical basis of Malinowski's field method and permeates his fieldwork, and also significantly influences the exploration of early Chinese sociology and anthropology.

Key words: Malinowski, Science of Culture, functional theory of mathematical function, cultural contract theory