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2024-06-04 作者: 彭馨妍




【关 键 词】人类学理论;(新)亲属研究;生物与社会;自然与文化;大卫·施耐德

【基金项目】广东省哲学社会科学规划 2022 年度青年项目(GD22YSH04)


How Should Kinship Studies Continue to Exist? Inspirations from David Schneider’s Theory and Critique of Kinship

PENG Xinyan

Abstract:The existing literature has paid attention to how the American anthropologist David Schneider has shaped Euro-American anthropology, and yet has not systematically traced the key transformations regarding objects of inquiry in Schneiderian kinship studies. This article takes the kinship studies, theories, and critiques of Schneider as a central thread, and demonstrates how Schneiderian kinship studies have turned its central objects of inquiry from“society”to“culture” and eventually to“localbiology.”Taking into account the recent developments in anthropological theories, I will comment on how Schneider has already pushed kinship studies from the level of epistemology to that of ontology several decades ago. This paper takes Schneider as a point of departure, and extends to nearly a century of kinship studies and relevant anthropological theories in Euro-American academia. I hope it will inspire more scholars of China to focus on kinship phenomena in today’s Chinese society.

Keywords:anthropological theory, (new) kinship studies, biology and society,nature and culture, David M. Schneider