微信版 移动版



2024-09-17 作者: 王元超,朱斌




【关键词】代际流动 / 收入分配 / 阶层天花板 / 阶层地板



“The Class Ceiling”and“The Class Floor”:The“Long Shadow Effect”of Families in Income Distribution

WANG Yuanchao ZHU Bin

Abstract: Research on intergenerational mobility usually analyzes the mobilitypatterns and mechanisms among classes based on the framework of class. This paper uses China General Social Survey (CGSS) data to explore the influence of family origin within the class on individual labor income, namely the "long shadow effect" of family origin. First, the results show that the "long shadow effect" exists in both the elite and the working classes. The income of people from the elite class is significantly higher than that of people from the other class, which is respectively manifested as the "class ceiling" effect and the "class floor" effect. Second, the "long shadow effect" is mainly realized through human capital and job opportunities mechanisms. People from the elite class have higher human capital and are more likely to work in large-scale organizations and economically developed areas. Third, the "long shadow effect" differs in different institutional environments. The "class ceiling" effect and the "class floor" effect in the labor market are more significant from outside the institutional system. Fourth, the "class ceiling" and "class floor"effects have shown an increasingly severe trend during the period we studied. Thisarticle reveals the heterogeneity within broad class categories, providing a newperspective for assessing social inequality and its reproduction.

Keywords: intergenerational mobility, income distribution, the class ceiling, the class floor.