【关键词】优绩主义 / 社会情境 / 不平等 / 信息媒介
Inequality, Information Media, and Meritocracy Identification: A Perspective of Social Context
Abstract: Distinct from traditional explanations based on self-interest and system justification theories, this paper explores the formation logic of meritocracy identification from a social context perspective, focusing on the roles of inequality and the information media. By analyzing data from the China Family Panel Survey, we find that the higher the inequality in regions where individuals live, the more they identify with meritocracy. In addition, information media relying on Internet technology can significantly weaken the positive effect of inequality on meritocracy identification. Hence, this paper proposes the proposition“social contextuality of meritocracy identification”. On the one hand, inequality makes it difficult for individuals to perceive socio-economic status gaps with others by creating social contextual segregation, which leads to greater identification with meritocracy. On the other hand, using the Internet to access information can expand the social context of individuals, thus updating their perceptions of meritocracy.