微信版 移动版



2024-07-16 作者: 石磊



【内容提要】本文考察了中国城市中个人父代与其配偶之间在受教育程度上的关联度,也即教育匹配强度如何变迁及其背后的机制。研究发现,父代与子代配偶的教育匹配强度在出生于1960 年至1999 年的各个世代中呈现出先下降后上升的趋势。该教育匹配强度最初的下降源于父代与子代配偶教育直接匹配程度的下降,后续的提升主要源于父子教育代际再生产、子代夫妻教育婚姻匹配,以及父代与子代配偶教育直接匹配程度的同步提升。尤其是在1981—1999 年出生世代中,以上三个方面均独立地增强了父代与子代配偶之间的教育匹配强度,社会结构开放性呈现双代封闭的生成模式。

【关键词】家庭背景 / 教育匹配 / 社会结构开放性


Changes in Educational Matching between Individual’s Family Background and Spouse in Urban China:A Discussion on Social Openness


Abstract:This paper examines the changing association between educational attainment of individuals’parents and their spouses in urban China and the underlying mechanisms to discuss issues related to social structure openness. The conclusions indicate that the intergenerational educational association between parents and their offspring’s spouses exhibits a trend of first declining and then rising among different cohorts born between 1960 and 1999. Mechanistically, the initial decline in this association is attributed to a decrease in the direct educational matching between parents and their offspring’s spouses. The subsequent increase is primarily attributed to a simultaneous increase in the intergenerational educational reproduction between parents and their offspring, educational assortative mating among the offspring’s generation, and the direct educational matching between parents and their offspring’s spouses. Particularly, in the cohort born between 1981 and 1999, all three of these aspects independently reinforce the intergenerational educational associations between parents and their offspring’s spouses, resulting in a closed dual-generation model of social structure openness.

Keywords:family background, spouse’seducation, social openness