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社工机构介入儿童友好型社区营造的行动逻辑与可持续发展策略——以安徽省X 项目为例

2024-07-15 作者: 刘志军,朱妍



【内容提要】儿童友好型社区营造需要多主体协同参与,包括由民政部门、基层社区、社区居民、高校等主体组成的人类行动者以及社区文化、公共空间、课程体系等非人类行动者,社工机构如何激活这一行动者网络依然有待讨论。本文以安徽省X 项目为例,借鉴行动者网络理论的框架,从转译的不同阶段分析社工机构的行动逻辑:在问题呈现阶段确立共同行动目标与强制通行点;在利益赋予阶段协调各类行动者的关键利益;在征召阶段推动异质行动者的融合加入;在异议动员阶段构建互利共赢的利益共同体。为了保障儿童友好型社区营造的可持续性,社工机构可采取的策略包括:通过调研评估挖掘社区特色的内源力、通过跨界融合吸纳异质行动者的加入、通过平台搭建畅通主体间的沟通渠道、通过充权赋能保障规划运营的自主化。

【关 键 词】儿童友好型社区;社区营造;可持续发展;行动者网络理论


The Action Logic and Sustainable Development Strategy of Social Work Institutions in Intervening in the Construction of Child-Friendly Communities: A Case Study of Project X in Anhui Province

Liu Zhijun,Zhu Yan

Abstract:Building child-friendly communities involves collaboration across various stakeholders, including human actors, such as civil affairs, grassroots communities, residents, and universities, and non-human actors like community culture and public spaces. How social work institutions activate this multifaceted network warrants further exploration. This study takes the example of Project X in Anhui Province and utilizes the explanatory framework of ActorNetwork Theory. It analyzes the action logic of social work institutions at different stages: establishing common action goals and mandatory passage points during the problem presentation stage, coordinating the key interests of various actors during the interest endowment stage, promoting the integration of heterogeneous actors during the recruitment stage, and building a mutually beneficial interest community during the dissent mobilization stage. To ensure the sustainability of constructing child-friendly communities, strategies that social work institutions should adopt include exploring the internal strength of community characteristics through research and assessment, incorporating the participation of heterogeneous actors through cross-disciplinary integration, establishing communicationchannels between stakeholders through platform construction, and ensuring the autonomy of planning and operation through empowerment.

Keywords: child-friendly community; community construction; sustainable development; Actor-Network Theory.