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2024-07-15 作者: 良警宇,罗秋宇




【关 键 词】戏剧治疗;互动仪式;青少年;服务机制

【基金项目】中央民族大学研究生课程建设项目“道中华”专项课题(GRSDZH202308);中央民族大学研究生课程建设和教育教学改革项目“基于数字化知识管理的社会学理论类课程教学改革探索” (GRSJYGG005 )。


Interaction Ritual: Analysis of the Service Mechanism of Juvenile Drama Therapy Group

LiangJingyu,Luo Qiuyu

Abstract: Drama therapy is a people-oriented therapeutic method that has emerged in recent years, aiming to address the psychological and social challenges faced by individuals through flexible, innovative, and metaphorical approaches. However, existing studies primarily focus on interpreting psychological mechanisms while neglecting the analysis of the integrated service mechanism encompassing individual psychology and structural environment. Drawing upon the action practice of drama therapy groups for 'adolescents with behavioral challenges' within social work intervention services, this study explores the therapeutic process and its realization mechanism from an interactive ritual theory perspective. The core of social work drama therapy lies in prioritizing text, space, and technology as shared concerns for action while considering introspection, change, and hope as sources of emotional energy. Through reinforcing shared emotional states during drama therapy sessions, adolescents can develop positive self-cognition and improve family relationshipsto effectively address their growth issues. Key elements involved in achieving this process include trust-building, defense digestion, focus creation, and emotional progression. Furthermore, to avoid problems related to emotional energy shifts and power dynamics during treatment processes, it is crucial to extend positive symbols when addressing emotions; dissolve conflict psychology among adolescents by emphasizing superiority perspectives; identify and resolve issues through interactive rituals rather than relying solely on moral judgments; finally dissolving power imbalances by highlighting Vipassana's self-value perspective.

Keywords: dramatic therapy; interaction ritual; adolescents; service mechanism