微信版 移动版



2024-07-15 作者: 魏玺昊



【内容提要】本文提出“有组织的学习”的概念,基于S 市Z 机构的实践案例,阐释社会工作行动中知识生产的实践逻辑,并总结其特点与优势。社会工作行动中的知识生产属于组织情境中的学习型实践,这一实践过程分为“建构研究问题—形成知识框架并行动—知识应用的验证—知识生产”四个阶段,其中蕴含行动者参与、实现反身性和对话的过程。此过程的展开依赖于促动性组织情境,表现为激发目标认同、凸显价值理念、提供交流空间三个方面。“有组织的学习”呈现着主体的能动性和团队的协同性,具有应对实践不确定性以及推动社会工作本土化和知识创新的优势,亦揭示出“组织”是理解社会工作在中国发展的重要补充性理论维度。

【关 键 词】社会工作行动;知识生产;实践逻辑;有组织的学习



Organization-based Learning: The Practical Logic of Knowledge Production in Social Work Action

Wei Xihao

Abstract: The production of knowledge in social work actions is not only conducive to the high-quality and progressive development of social work, but also to the development of the process of Chinese-style modernization. This paper proposes the concept of 'Organization-based learning', explains the practical logic of knowledge production in social work actions based on the practical cases of Z institutions in S city, and summarizes its characteristics and advantages. It can be found that knowledge production in social work actions belongs to learning practices in organizational contexts. This practice process is divided into four stages: constructing research questions, forming knowledge frameworks and taking action, verifying knowledge applications, and knowledge production. This practice process implies the participation of actors, the realization of reflexivityand dialogue. The development of this process depends on the dynamic organizational context, which is manifested in three aspects: stimulating target identification, highlighting values, and providing space for communication. 'Organization-based learning' presents the initiative of the subject and the synergy of the team, and has the advantages of coping with the uncertainty of practice and promoting the localization of social work and knowledge innovation The concept of 'Organization-based learning' reveals that 'organization' is an important complementary theoretical dimension for understanding the development of social work in China.

Keywords: social work action; knowledge production; practical logic; organization-based learning