微信版 移动版



2023-11-13 作者: 刘雨航



【内容提要】社会工作项目制主导着现阶段中国社会工作本土实践,其运作模式主要由招标、执行、评估等环节构成,具有一整套组织化、制度化、规范化的行动框架。但社会工作项目制的效果偏差正在广泛发生,制约着我国社会工作行业的深入发展。以上海市X 流动儿童服务项目为例,研究发现社会工作项目制的效果偏差包括绩效效果偏差、专业效果偏差以及治理效果偏差,三者分别指代项目实践成效与绩效目标、专业目标以及治理目标之间的偏离程度。社会工作项目实践情境中的非预期因素、多元主体的利益偏好与行为分化以及管理主义与专业主义的内在张力等多重不确定性,是导致社会工作项目制效果偏差发生的重要原因。对此,亟需培养“不确定性”思维,加强情境赋能、行动协同和制度整合,推动社会工作项目制的深化转型。


【基金项目】国家社科基金重大项目“新形势下我国社会发展面临的不确定性及其应对机制研究”(22&ZD183);国家社科基金重点项目“不确定性研究的社会学转向及其体系建构” (22ASH002);华东师范大学社会发展学院优秀博士生学术创新能力提升计划项目“面向不确定性:乡村社区的信任演化机制研究” (SF202201 )。


Why Do Effect Deviations of Social Work Project System Occur?: Interpretation from the Perspective of Institutional Uncertainty

Liu Yu-hang

Abstract: The social work project system dominates the local practice of social work in China. Its operation mode mainly includes bidding, execution, and evaluation, providing a set of organized, institutionalized, and standardized action framework. However, effect deviations of the social work project system are becoming the "new normal", which restricts the deepening development of the social work industry in China. Taking the Shanghai X migrant children service project as an example, the study found that the effect deviations of the social work project system mainly include performance effect deviation, professional effect deviation and governance effect deviation. These three types refer to the degree of deviation of project practice effect from performance goals, professional goals, and governance goals, respectively. Multiple uncertainties, such as unanticipated factors in social work program practice contexts, divergent interests, and behaviors of multiple subjects, and the inherent tension between managerialism and professionalism are important reasons for the occurrence of execution deviations of social work program systems. In this regard, there is an urgent need to strengthen contextual empowerment, action synergy, and institutional integration with uncertainty as the guide, and promote the deepening transformation of the social work project system.

Keywords: Social Work Project System; Effect Deviation; Institutional Uncertainty; Transformation of System