微信版 移动版



2023-09-10 作者: 孙茜,周庆红







A Systematic Review of Nonfamilial Intergenerational Programs:Evidence from the Last Ten Years’ Literature

Sun Qian,Zhou Qing-hong

Abstract: This systematic review examines studies on intergenerational programs over the last decade.Research on this area shows that: although the intergenerational project has attracted attention from internationalresearchers, academic evidence of local experience in China remains insufficient. The intergenerational interactiontheory serves as the core theoretical framework of research in this area, but it fails to bridge the gap between thetheoretical and practical implications. Activities of the intergenerational project demonstrate a variety of themes.However, little attention has been paid to the community or social development issues. The project evaluation mostlyhas adopted an evidence-based method, but the discussions on the comprehensive effectiveness of non-familialintergenerational programs are far from satisfactory. Based on the identifications of these characteristics, we propose the following intervention implications for Chinese non-familial intergenerational programs: Firstly, a theory-drivenpractical intervention model should be built. Secondly, further studies and intergenerational project plans shouldtarget the community (social) development issues. Lastly, the research design of program evaluation needs to takemore comprehensive factors and the sustainability of intergenerational projects into consideration.

Keywords: Intergenerational Interaction; Non-familial Intergenerational Program; Intergenerational Solidarity