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2023-11-13 作者: 吴佳峻,徐选国

【作者简介】吴佳峻,南开大学周恩来政府管理学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为基层社会治理与社区社会工作、第三方评估(天津, 300350 );徐选国,华东理工大学社会工作系副教授、博士生导师,主要研究方向为社会工作理论、社会治理体制改革、社区社会学。


【内容提要】垃圾分类日益成为当前基层社会治理的重要议题和普遍化的生活实践,如何跳出以行政动员为主导的垃圾分类治理取向,探索居民的自觉参与成为垃圾分类治理研究的新议题。本文从生态哲学视阈下的精神性理论视角出发,探究超大城市社区垃圾分类治理的行动机制,提出“精神性实践”这一分析性概念作为分析维度:一是个体对环境公正、生态正义的向往与追求,二是培育个体与环境共生的环境意识,三是塑造个体对环境的集体认同。基于对上海M 社区垃圾分类治理实践的研究发现,居民参与垃圾分类呈现了从外在行政驱动向内在精神性实践自觉转换的行动逻辑。其中,从行政动员到意识培育促成了社区垃圾分类的实践策略转换,从利益推动到行动自觉促成了居民参与垃圾分类的内在动力转换,从环境冷漠到集体认同促成了社区垃圾分类治理的认知转换。精神性实践可以为中国超大城市社区治理现代化提供本土理论框架,也可能成为中国式现代化理论体系的构成要素。




Spiritual Practice and Mechanism Transformation of Garbage Classification Management in Mega-city Community: Based on the Empirical Study of M Community in Shanghai

WuJia-Jun Xu Xuan-Guo

Abstract: Garbage classification has increasingly become an important issue and a common practice in current grassroots social governance. How to jump out of the orientation of garbage classification management dominated by administrative mobilization and explore residents' conscious participation has become a new topic of garbage classification management research. From the perspective of spirituality theory under the perspective of ecological philosophy, this paper explores the action mechanism of garbage classification and treatment in megacities, and puts forward the analytical concept of "spirituality practice" as the analytical dimension. First, individuals' yearning and pursuit for environmental justice and ecological justice; The second is to cultivate the environmental consciousness of symbiosis between individual and environment; The third is to shape the collective identity of the individual to the environment. Based on the research on the garbage classification management practice of M community in Shanghai Megacity, it is found that residents' participation in garbage classification presents the action logic of transforming from an external administrative drive to internal spiritual practice consciously. Among them, the transformation from administrative mobilization to consciousness cultivation contributed to the practical strategy transformation of community garbage classification, the transformation from interest promotion to action consciousness contributed to the internal motivation transformation of residents' participation in garbage classification, and the transformation from environmental indifference to collective identity contributed to the cognitive transformation of community garbage classification and management. Spiritual practice may provide the local theoretical framework for the modernization of community governance in China's megacities, and may also become the constituent element of the theoretical system of Chinese modernization.

Keywords: Garbage Classification Governance; Spiritual Practice; Act Consciously; Operation Mechanism