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2024-08-15 作者: 赵万林,张若珊



【内容提要】发展“时间银行”对于缓解老龄社会压力具有积极意义,但目前其发展陷入了理念与实践之困。通过回顾“时间银行”创始人埃德加· 卡恩的论述可以发现,“时间银行”蕴含着礼物精神,挖掘这种礼物精神有助于回应当下的困境。在理念层面,时间等价是否公平、有偿性与志愿性是否冲突等问题可以借助礼物精神得到澄清:时间等价的公平性源自单位时间内劳动市场价值与基本人类价值的融合;有偿性原则不仅是对基本人类价值的承认和对“受辱的施舍”的规避,也可经由回礼义务促成更广泛的助人利他行为。在实践层面,可以通过情感植根与伦理嵌入等方式将礼物精神带回实践的中心,重构“时间银行”的实践路向。鉴于“时间银行”与礼物精神之间的亲和性,可以在未来研究中引入“礼物”这一理论范式。




Bringing Gift Spirit Back: Rethinking the Ideal Foundation and Practice Path ofTime Banks

Zhao Wanlin,Zhang Ruoshan

Abstract: The development of time banks holds positive significance for alleviating the pressures of an aging society. However, in China, time banks have encountered challenges both in terms of ideological misconceptions and practical implementation. Through revisiting Edgar Cahn's works, it is discovered that time banks embody gift spirit, and excavating this spirit can help address these misconceptions and challenges. On the ideological level, issues such as the fairness of time equivalence and the conflict between compensation and voluntarism can be clarified through gift spirit: the fairness of time equivalence derives from the fusion of labor market value and basic human value within a unit of time. The principle of compensation not only recognizes the basic human value and avoids "degrading charity", but also promotes broader altruismd through reciprocal obligations. On a practical level, by enrooting emotions and embodiment in social ethics, we can reconstruct the local practical direction of time banks on the basis of gift spirit. Given the affinity between time banks and gift spirit, it is recommended to introduce the gift paradigm into future research.

Keywords: time banks; time equivalence; reciprocity; gift spirit