微信版 移动版



2023-09-10 作者: 焦若水,高怀阳







Inlay, Involution, and Self-proving: The Triple Dynamic Mechanism of Social Worker Writing

Jiao Ruo-shui,Gao Huai-yang

Abstract: The writing of frontline social workers is the carrier for the localized development of socialwork practice, but existing research on social work writing is quite insufficient.Based on practice research, ourl research has found that necessary writing, necessary but still far from sufficient writing, and exaggerated (and even false) writing make a landscape of social work writing.However, it can't be explained by neo-managerialism and professional alienation.Based on the analytical framework of "governance scenario - professional response", our study suggests that under the constraints of the project system, social workers present fragmented activities in a standard model of writing, which is not only the layers of accountability and performance presented under the bureaucracy, but also the active choice of social work agencies to cope with involution.In addition, standard writing is a measure to show and prove the professionalism of social workers and to gain professional recognition and development space.Enhancing the subjectivity and professional consciousness of writing and promoting the constructive role of social work writing in bridging the reflective character of the profession and professional science are important issues for the future development of social work localization in China.

Keywords: Social Work;Writing;Neo-managerialism;Evidence-based;Professional Self-proving