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2024-08-16 作者: 程艳彬,孙金明



【内容提要】随着中国人口预期寿命的延长,四代存世的家庭也不断增多,“四代”家庭中的第二代中老年人面临着照料年迈父母和未成年孙子女的双重压力。本文利用中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)2013 年和2018年的数据,采用随机效应模型考察“四代”家庭老幼照料叠加对家庭第二代中老年人心理健康的影响。研究发现,当同时需要照料失能父母和多个未成年孙子女时,第二代中老年人会优先选择照料孙子女;老幼叠加照料会增加中老年人的照料时长,但是对照料者的心理健康没有显著影响;家庭高照料需求对中老年人的心理健康有显著的不利影响,面临老幼叠加照料需求的第二代中老人精神抑郁程度最高。考察“养老”与“抚幼”对“四代同堂”家庭第二代中老年人心理健康的影响,可以在全景视角下对中国家庭“一老一小”照料造成的心理健康影响形成更系统的认识,为家庭养老托幼政策的制定提供依据。




Care and Psychological Health of the Middle-aged and Elderly

Cheng Yanbin,Sun Jinming

Abstract: With the expected increase in life expectancy in China, there is a growing number of multi-generational households, where the second generation of middle-aged and elderly individuals face the dual pressure of caring for their elderly parents and underage grandchildren. Using the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) data from 2013 and 2018, a random effects model was used to examine the impact of caregiving in multi-generational households on the psychological health of the second generation of middleaged and elderly individuals. The study found that when faced with caregiving responsibilities for both disabled parents and multiple underage grandchildren, the second generation prioritizes taking care of their grandchildren. The burden of caregiving for both the elderly and young does not significantly impact the psychological health of the caregivers, although it does increase the duration of caregiving. However, high caregiving demands within the family have a significant adverse effect on the psychological health of middle-aged and elderly individuals. Among the second-generation caregivers facing the dual burden of caring for both the elderly and young, the level of depression is highest. By examining the impact of "elderly care" and "childrearing" on the psychological health of the second generation within multi-generational households, this study aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological health effects of caregiving for the elderly and young within Chinese families. It contributes to the development of policies for elderly care and child-rearing in the family context.

Keywords: four-generation families; elderly care; child caregiving; middleaged and elderly; psychological health