微信版 移动版



2023-09-10 作者: 喻月慧,贺敬芯



【内容提要】近年来,从民政系统设立独立的社会工作部门,到基层社工站建设,再到中央社会工作部的组建,社会工 作在党政系统内部的发展受到社会广泛关注。本文从新制度主义视角出发,分析了社会工作作为一种技术性活动的制度 化过程。通过对中国社会工作制度化过程的历时性分析发现,社会工作的制度化遵循了合法化、项目化和科层化的演进 逻辑。党的二十大报告将“完善社会治理体系”作为国家治理能力现代化和维护社会稳定的重要内容。在实现第二个百 年奋斗目标的开始阶段,回顾中国社会工作的制度化历程,对于明确社会工作在社会治理体系中的角色和定位具有重要 意义。本文认为,科层化是中国社会工作制度化的必然阶段,从科层化的角度可以更好地理解社会工作的现实状况,从 而把握未来的实践方向。




Promoting Family-based Approach on Targeting Illness-resultant Poverty: A Review of Family Resilience Research and Prospects

Yu Yue-hui He Jing-xin

Abstract: Disease constitutes a serious poverty trap.Guided by vulnerability theory, previous studies focused on exploring the mechanism of how illness may cause poverty.Little attention has been paid to how the family may respond to disease and manage to recover.Correspondingly, poverty alleviation policies are either individual-based or state-based, few studies have applied a family-based perspective to frame anti-poverty policies.In fact, the disease is a risk factor for poverty but not a decisive one.While confronting disease shock, it is the lack of resilience, and inability to cope and recover, that leads to and maintains poverty.In the new era of poverty alleviation, strategies to enhance family resilience should be integrated into the overall policy scheme.This paper reviews both domestic and foreign research on family resilience and criticizes its shortage on interpreting the contextual connotation of family resilience, developing appropriate measuring tools, and exploring its mediating effects on disease and poverty.Accordingly, there is no comprehensive framework to analyze family resilience in the broader context of poverty alleviation.In view of these facts, this paper proposes three branches of research that need to be strengthened in the future and further expounds on specific research strategies.

Keywords: Disease;Poverty Alleviation;Family Resilience;Perspectives