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2024-05-13 作者: 莫佳妮

【作者简介】莫佳妮,上海大学社会学院博士研究生,主要研究方向为残障研究、社会工作 理论与实务。





Why Does Care Go Wrong? The Debate on “Dependence/Independence” in Disability

Care Mo Jiani

Abstract: In the delivery of support to people with disability and the aged, there is ambivalence surrounding “care” in the literature on aging and disability. In aging literature, care is often portrayed as an act of love and altruism, a selfless extension of oneself to ease another’s burden. However, within the disability community, care frequently carries connotations of control, oppression, institutionalization, and even abuse. Why does care go wrong in the disability field? This paper focuses on the debates and challenges to the concept of “care” in the field of disability: on the one hand, through a dialogue between feminist theory and the disability community, in order to show that current discourses on disability are inadequate in understanding the experiences of people with disabilities, which leads to the neglect of issues in the experiences of people with disabilities as care recipients; on the other hand, an ethic of care is needed to balance the dichotomy between “care/control” and “dependence/independence”, while fully respecting disabled people’s aspirations for independent and self directed living.

Keywords: disability; care; feminism; ethics of care.