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2023-11-13 作者: 张鹏飞,曹迪





【基金项目】辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目“政府购买服务中社会工作机构主体性研究” (WJ2020006)。


Administrative Convergence Transformation of Social Work in Technological Governance: Based on a Case Study of L Organization in S City

Zhang Peng-fei Cao Di

Abstract: Social work has been entrusted with the important mission of technical governance by the state, and the government's purchase of social work services is a common form of professional participation in social-technical governance.The study found that in the government's purchase of anti-drug social services, social work organizations originally expected to guide the administrative logic of the drug control office to a professional logic through medium-term technical practice, so as to achieve efficient technical governance.However, surprisingly, the practice orientation of the agency essentially underwent the following three stages of transformation: the insistence on some professional autonomy in the early stage of purchase, the technical deficiency in the middle stage of practice, and the administrative convergence after evaluation.On the contrary, the administrative logic eventually absorbed the professional logic, and the organization finally depended on the drug control office to exist.It is believed that resource dependence and identity challenge are the external reasons leading to administrativeconvergent transformation, while the internal root cause is the technical deficiency caused by practitioners'dependence on a single type of knowledge. In order to solve the above problems, the research suggests that professionalism and practical wisdom should be connected at the level of professional knowledge to establish a complete knowledge inventory for practitioners. Secondly, practitioners must stand on the real situation, and move towards the internalization of knowledge, integration, and autonomy of practice to achieve technical practice, in order to avoid the administrative convergence transformation of institutions due to lack of technology, and to better fulfill the professional mission of technology governance entrusted by the state.

Keywords: Technological Governance; Administrative Convergence; Insufficient Technology; Orientation Conversion