微信版 移动版



2023-10-19 作者: 龚为纲, 朱萌, 陈浩







Evolutionary Mechanisms of Social Sentiment under Pandemics: An Analysis Based on Big Data such as Twitter and GDELT

Abstract: Based on big data such as Twitter and GDELT, this paper analyzes the mechanisms of the evolution of social emotions such as social panic, anxiety and depression during a pandemic by combining risk communication, risk response and other risk management factors. The main negative emotions during a pandemic include panic, anxiety, and depression, etc. The large-scale outbreak of these negative emotions is mainly concentrated in the initial wave of the pandemic, and the fluctuation of negative emotions during the rebound of the later pandemic is significantly smaller. In this paper, we explain the evolution of panic and depression from the analytical frameworks of threat perception and coping efficacy, social stress and social support, respectively. The variability of negative emotions around the world is both similar and diverse, which is closely related to the diversity of pandemic resilience patterns around the world as well as cultural identity factors. The findings of this study have important implications for emergency management and social mentality guidance.