微信版 移动版



2023-11-13 作者: 丁建定







The Reengineering of the Old-aged Security System in Western Countries under the "New Social Risk

Ding Jianding

Abstract: The old-aged security system in contemporary western countries is facing new social risks, such as the increasing degree of population aging, the pressure of long-term care risks, and the increasing quality and increase of the demand for elderly care services.These new social risks are significantly different from the traditional old-age risks.The western countries will have tomake new choices of the social security policy, such as postponing the retirement age policies to cope with pension risks, implementing a long-term care insurance system to deal with long-term care risks, improving the elderly care service system to cope with the incremental risk of good quality of elderly care services. These build a new old-age security system. These not only show that the reform of the pension security system in western countries has an internal mechanism, but also means that their pension security system have entered a new era.

Keywords: new social risk; western countries; endowment insurance; longterm care insurance; pension service system