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成员非正规就业对家庭稳定脱贫的影响——基于PSM 方法对低收入和低保家庭的检验

2023-09-10 作者: 樊丹迪



【内容提要】在重视巩固脱贫成效的后扶贫时代,家庭成员的就业对具有返贫可能性家庭的稳定脱贫意义重大。依托CGSS2017 调查数据,参考最低工资标准和最低生活保障标准分别划分低收入家庭和低保家庭,运用倾向值匹配方法对成员的非正规就业与所在家庭月均收入和家庭月人均收入进行检验,重点分析非正规就业对这两类家庭收入的影响。研究发现,家庭成员的就业类型与家庭类型存在显著相关;非正规就业是低收入家庭和低保家庭中成员的主要就业类型,非正规就业者在所在家庭收入、受教育程度、户籍和管理岗位情况方面与正规就业者存在差异。而从就业类型和收入差距的角度分析两类家庭中的非正规就业成员发现,虽然其所在家庭的月均和月人均收入都显著低于正规就业成员家庭的,但成员的非正规就业仅在十分有限的程度上导致了这种收入差距的形成,不足以因此否定非正规就业收入对两类家庭的生计维持和稳定脱贫的基本作用。



The Impact of Informal Employment on the Stable PovertyAlleviation: An Investigation of Low-income/Dibao Families Based on PSM Method

Fan Dan-di

Abstract: In the post-poverty alleviation era that emphasizes consolidating the effectiveness of povertyalleviation, the employment of family members is significant to the stability of poverty alleviation of familieswhich may return to poverty. Based on the CGSS2017 survey data, this study differs low-income families fromfamilies with subsistence allowances regarding the minimum wage standard and the minimum living standard. ThePropensity Score Matching method is applied to test the informal employment of members against their averagemonthly family income and monthly family income per capita, with a focus on analyzing the impact of informalemployment income on the income of these two types of families. It was found that the type of employment ofhousehold members was significantly related to the type of household; informal employment was the main type ofemployment of members in low-income and low-income households, and informal employment differed from formalemployment in terms of household income, education level, household registration, and management position status.The analysis of informal employment of members in both types of households from employment type and incomedisparity reveals that: although the average monthly income and monthly income per capita of households withinformally employed members is significantly lower than those of households with formally employed members,the informal employment of members only contributes to a limited extent to the formation of this disparity. It isthus insufficient to negate the basic role of informal employment income in the maintenance of livelihoods andstabilization of poverty alleviation in both types of households.

Keywords: Informal Employment; Low-income Families; Families with Subsistence Allowance; PovertyAlleviation; Propensity Score Matching