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2024-06-06 作者: 杜鹏,王飞




【关 键 词】中国式养老;中国式现代化;人口高质量发展

【基金项目】国家社科基金重大项目“实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略” (21ZDA106)。


Chinese Style Elderly Care: Connotation, Characteristics and Development

Du Peng Wang Fei

Abstract: Chinese-style elderly care is a characteristic elderly care system adapted to China's socio-economic development, with the commonalities ofother countries that are advanced in ageing, and even more characteristics based on their national conditions. As we enter a new journey on Chinese path to modernization, with the goal of achieving common prosperity for all people, Chinese-style elderly care in line with the Chinese path to modernization is a goal and process based on China's basic national conditions and the achievement of common prosperity and all-round development for the elderly. It is characterized by the supremacy of the people, the integrity of the system, family orientation, multi-subject participation, diversified levels, and linked development. At present, Chinese-style elderly care contains many opportunities for development in such areas as the silver-hair economy, the development of human resources for the elderly, and smart elderly care. However, on the other hand, it is still facing huge challenges in terms of old-age security and services. In the future, under the grand blueprint of the Chinese path to modernization, it is necessary to make efforts at different levels to promote the high-quality development of Chinese-style elderly care in terms of institutional arrangements, old-age security, service construction, industrial development, health promotion, family empowerment, and individual participation.

Keywords: Chinese-style elderly; Chinese path to modernization; highquality population development